Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Boyfriend girls

I probably see my grandpa once or twice a month when I'm home.  He does not have any sort of memory loss, in fact, he remembers everything with a little too much clarity.  So when the first thing that comes out of his mouth every time he sees me is, "any boyfriends, Callie?" you would think he would remember that the answer is NO.

I've never been in love.  Sure, I've "dated" some people (if I'm even allowed to use that term in our generation), but never been in love.  I'm not sure if this is normal or not for a 20-year-old, I don't really care either way.  But I think the question that lingers in my grandpa's mind, and probably my parents', is why have I never had a real boyfriend?

If we're being honest here, I've only truly liked two people in my entire life.  If either of you two are reading this, you definitely know who you are.  Anyways, when I think back on those "relationships," and really any other interactions I've had with guys in general, I realize that I am just not a boyfriend girl.

Definition of boyfriend girl: girls that thrive off of the feeling of having a boyfriend, girls that always have a boyfriend- you know, the ones that break up with someone and are in a new relationship the next week, and girls that act like life has no meaning without someone to text every single second of every single day.

I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being a boyfriend girl- my best friend in the entire world is a professional when it comes to having a boyfriend.  I'm just saying none of the above describe me in any way, nor do I really want any of those sentences to embody me.  Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling I get when I like someone and maybe they like me too, but I'm not freaking out about how long it will be until I have a ~real~ boyfriend.

If I may borrow a few words from my girls in Destiny's Child, "All the women who independent, throw your hands up at me."  Doing things alone isn't something that I hate. Moreover, there hasn't really been a point in my life that I needed someone to make me happy.  Maybe that's because I haven't met that person yet, or maybe it's just the way I was raised.  I'm not sure.  What I do know is that I am a person with a lot of patience.  If I'm a late bloomer in the relationship phase of life, that is more than ok with me.

Something else I often think about, especially living in a college town, is that I am so over boys acting like my sixteen-year-old brother.  C'mon universe, can't you feed me a real man? Sometimes I'm confused because I look around and all the guys I know are in relationships with girls that bask in the world of drama.  They go out together at night, get drunk after a couple of hours, and all of a sudden the girl starts a raging fight with them in the middle of the bar over NOTHING.  No girls, I'm not saying every one of you is like this, I'm just saying there are a good amount of us that claim to live drama free, when in reality drama is like your favorite thing in the whole world.

My point here is that I will NEVER be the girl yelling at her boyfriend in the middle of the bar.  I'm so laid back that a lot of guys would probably get bored with how easy going I am. My senior year of high school a boy that I really liked and was spending a lot of time with told me he kissed his ex-girlfriend and wanted to get back together with her.  He told me this in front of his best friend's house while the rest of our friends were inside.  You want to know my response - "It's ok, I understand."  All my friends asked me why I was so nice to him in the middle of a pretty messed up situation.  I don't really get it either, but I think it's because I have the mindset that, if a boy doesn't like me, then he doesn't like me.  That's it. I'm not going to go all crazy girl on him and cause a whole scene.  I'm not going to send him paragraphs worth of text messages about how much of an ass he is.  He clearly wasn't in to me if he was kissing someone else, so why should I waste energy on someone that doesn't respect me either way?  Sure, I'm going to be upset about the whole thing, but I can move forward on my own.

All that being said, I know everything I just claimed could end up biting me in the ass if and when I do fall in love.  I've heard that love makes people do crazy things.  Maybe even as crazy as becoming a boyfriend girl.  Until then, I will be the cynical and single bystander.

So maybe I haven't cried in college about a boy yet, but who really wants to cry over a boy anyway?

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